12 March 2006

11th march, 2006
have spent my first night and second on posko mapala in banda aceh. i have had warm welcome and service from them. had thought that i won't had a warm acceptance from them. just a worry that has been cleared.
miss this busy but cozy situation : working with this posko lifestyle and responsibility.

i put my bag on CARE's official guest house, but i'd stay here. i'll spend my next working days there. i do not know when CARE will send me to simeulue. probably on wednesday. i've talked with some persons that have previous experience there. the capital, sinabang, is quite small, smaller than banda aceh. there isnt much activity there and so there isn't much for the entertainment. dunno what to do during my weekend there. for the first 3 months, i wont have an Rest & Relaxation (RnR) leave. there are few banks operated there, Mandiri and BRI. the cost in simeulue is probably little higher than in banda. fried rice can cost me 8000 rupiah, while in banda, it costs 5000.

probable bad news are i probably won't receive my per diem cost until april. the reason is that the jakarta office didnt give any personnel ID number. without it, the finance department can't give the per diem cost. second probable bad news is i wont receive my salary for march. the budgeting for this month has been closed. so, i'll receive my 2 months salary on april.

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