05 August 2006


there is a kind of language that only 2 persons understand. that language is developed in a natural way, of course along with their togetherness and mutual interest of the users.

it may take a form of a term, a behaviour, or a word and it can only be understood by the two. their definition to the language takes some time to developed, tries to figure out what the other was trying to say.

it is a nice way to have that language. i sometimes developed the language with whom i feel close with.

03 August 2006


why the fuck did i do dat same mistakes again and again?
harrassing is not a good habit. in some cases, it could become a type of gun to defend oneself. but if it is used against one who is innocent.... it would be a terrible mistake.

for the last 60 days, i have done that stupid action twice to two different persons.
to the first person, i apologized. she is luckily a nice person. she didn't say she forgives me, but i can sense that she has forgotten my stupidity; i was mislead some words that could be interpreted as a harrastment.
what makes me guilty is that at almost the same time, she had been harrassed too, verbally, i think.. she didnt mention. i just feel guilty that i know she have had a hard time through it and i do that to her again.

the other person is also a nice one. a though, proactive, well-built, simple woman. we had a one nice sharing at some afternoon. sat down and had a couple of cold-milky soda water few days before. i think i get too hard teasing her... and once again, i accidentally misspoken. i didnt mean to, i just want to have another nice conversation again.

so stupid.

02 August 2006

we both know,
there's something unspoken about us.

there're times
when we had nice conversations.
and there're times
when we had silly arguments.
i realize those are moments we both enjoy.

we keep our distance apart,
but also keep our emotional bound tightly.

and that something unspoken is remain unspoken.
i tried to talk and i denied it myself.
while you're trying to say it implicitly,
i remained a dumb, a real dumb.

do we enjoy our situation?
do we want to stay this way?
where will we go when this thought have been spoken?
will we still be the way we are ?

(me trying hard to write what i have in mind)
when two persons get closer, some good and beautiful thing might happen to them.
and the hope is stay closer and supportive one another. the thing that might happen is to blend-in, and create another unique identity; it makes them a unique relationship.

here i am talking about the flow of a relationship. there is some other good thing. that flow is a story. a life story. a love story.

we all have at least one story ourselves. we could have fallen in love with one of our classmate, we could have fallen in love but never engaged in a relationship, or had fallen in love some time ago and the love grow again.

they are all stories.

they are all memories.

one day in the future, we're going to laugh at that story !