24 July 2023

do you mind?

unlike blood, which flows within veins and is purified by kidneys, the mind travels far and beyond our self and no organs can leash it, except the mind itself.

the mind is an autonomous intangible being, hosted by brain and infected by feelings.

Clg, 24jul23

10 February 2023

Over 2 years since I last wrote. I've been living a new role since I left Makassar in early 2021. Still feel like a puzzle, as some pieces I had not had is now in place, but at the same time, I kinda lost some other pieces. This lose-not lose feeling somehow remains a loneliness within. Still feel like the hole never leaves me.

I no longer write, due to inability to syntesize, capture, or simply say how I feel, what I think, what I want to memorize.


03 January 2021

what I've done

2014, I accepted an offer to lead a psychosocial unit in Makassar.
2015, I left the unit and joined a project for preventing blindness in children.
2016, the project set up an office in Makassar, while struggling for acceptance. I started to write my diary again.
2017, the program finally had a team of 7. It took off slowly and later, gained reputation for its unusual objective and comorehensive approach. I was almost collapsed. 
2018, the project presence was expected in any other district, but permit was slow it down. The team grew, from 7 to 9. My partner left to pursue better opportunity 
2019, I led the team running across 19 districts. The team grew to 16, pax at one point, even to 19. The project received additonal donation: spectacles.
2020, I was still pushing the team to run, but the world had to stop due to the covid19 pandemic. Timeline was delayed for 3 months and fortunately, was extended till end of 2020. The team grew to 21. Last semester, we all had to risk our lives by travelling, organizing service, meeting, reporting, unsyncronized data, rejection. All of those targets were achieved in mid december and the team disbanded on 30dec.
2021 january, I am leaving the city; leaving behind all the sweet and the bitter memory as a leader, a friend, an organizer, a traveller. I'll be facing new delightful, yet frightening role: a husband, a father, a son; roles I've abandoned for 6 years.

PS: I haven't been able to define how I feel. I don't know what these 6 years have meant for me or made me. Like a flatline. I think I've been dead inside, but not disoriented nor proud. Neither is guilt nor happy blossoms in me. 
Luckily somehow, I have captured my sanity and insanity state and written them.

Mks, 3jan2021

a memorial of my 40th

Hasan Aspahani, "Pena sudah diangkat, Kertas sudah mengering"

13 November 2020

2014 - 2020 Sulsel

dari kiri ke kanan, atas ke bawah:
Sinjai, Enrekang, Nias, Makassar, Selayar, Palopo

08 June 2020

supaya kutahu

aku kembali,
dalam kilas-kilas kenangan
dan berpotong-potong cungkilan.
rasaku hambar,
setelah berulang kali terbenam.
putus asa masih bergelayutan,
masih riang menyongsong
setiap ide yang diungkap.

aku kembali,
hanya untuk mengulang-ulang masa lalu.
merayakan produktifitas yang kian menyusut.
tidak kusesali,
mungkin tidak mampu kusesali.

sekali lagi,
aku hanya kembali.
supaya aku tahu, aku mampu kembali.

Mks, 8jun2020

17 September 2019


sebuah abstrak yang tertata,
helaian rambut tipis terhambur
mengaburkan leher jenjang
yang menopang sorot berhasrat
dan memangku beban perseteruan.

yang elok mengarungi angka-angka,
sebuah keindahan yang aku tak pahami.

Mks, 17sept2019


ada kala aku ingin memancing,
cerita-cerita lama yang membuat kita terkancing,
sembari mengisi jeda di ruang luring.

Mks, 17sept2019

27 April 2019


aku simpan senyummu
dalam sebuah bingkai ingatan.
penanda waktunya pernah tercetak,
lalu luruh dikaburkan niat.

senyummu masih tetap gagah,
berulang kali kulihat wujudnya
terukir tegas pada wajah-wajah
yang pernah berharap.

Mks, 27apr2019

kamar kos

sebaris rekah menjaga ruangnya
dari daya tipu mata yang memangsa
kelenggangan harga kesendirian.
ia selalu berkata,
ruangku ladang berdamai
dari kemalasan pengaturan,
dari serpih-serpih tembakau,
dari goda-goda asesoris priyayi;
ruangku sediakan kesepian
yang kau butuhkan,
juga semaikan serakah yang kau lakukan.

Mks, 27apr 2019

21 April 2019

legend of tomorrow

Legend of tomorrow
was born from mother time,
raised to be folklore and history,
until present gives a summary of life.

And s/he believes no more to the sky,
where dreams were to fly
and out of horizon.
S/he rather trusts the soil,
where ideas would grow beyond
and sin made of tree thorns.

Shade of tomorrow
visits very early on any days.
A mystic orientation, it reiterates,
for it'll give you faith and hope.
To which, s/he replies,
it will only give me fallacy.

Mks, 21apr2019