05 October 2005

on wet clothes, we ate and shared

we had dinner at plasa semanggi food court last saturday, october 1st, 2005. from zio's disagreement on yohanes surya's way to teach the potential-genius students, to national curriculum, to some principles in life.
in a session, we shared something. some words, actually.

"some things are better left unspoken.
some things are better left untold.
some things are better left forgotten.
some things are better left unknown."

(ada hal-hal yang lebih baik dibiarkan tidak terucap,
ada hal-hal yang lebih baik dibiarkan tidak dibicarakan,
ada hal-hal yang lebih baik dibiarkan terlupakan,
ada hal-hal yang lebih baik dibiarkan tidak diketahui.)

dunno who made that, but those are meaningful for potan and me. i guess sometimes some things are really better left unknown. that's the interesting part of life, the mystery. it is right that life is full of mistery (and misery). i love to live.

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