27 July 2005

quarter life crisis

cuma sekedar nulis judul.
blom tau simptomnya apa, penyebabnya apa, terjadi pada saat apa, dll-nya.
lagi gamang terus nih. butuh penyaluran. masturbasi otak udah dari dulu. bosen gw.....

nyari di perpustakaan ah... sapa tau ada yang bikin skripsi ttg ini.

"In New York I lost it all
To you and your vices
Still I'm staying on to figure out
My midlife crisis
I hit an iceberg in my life
But you know I'm still afloat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
In the queue for the lifeboat" (U2, "New York")

i'm staying to figure out my quarter-life crisis. i'm not sure i'm in it, just accidentally, i'm 25 this year. just wondering, if i'm in this crisis?

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